Group Homes for Young Adults Michigan
Expanse Wilderness is one of the premier programs for at-risk young adults from Michigan, helping young adults with change from drug abuse (prescription/otc), substance abuse (including marijuana), and stumbling blocks related to mental health, such as attentional deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD), depression or behavioral issues. Through a highly trained staff of accredited clinicians and professional mental health counselors, our program helps our adult wilderness students to see their problems from an objective angle and to see that consequences do exist for their actions.
As one of the leading wilderness camp programs for emotionally challenged emerging adults, Expanse Wilderness may be located outside of Michigan; however, our program is open to young adult men or women ages 18 to 28, from across the country. Many of our young adult participants who participated in our program state that the distance placed between them and home actually helped them to better disassociate from their stumbling blocks and move forward unburdened and focused on their future.
Historically, group homes for young adults had referred to residential facilities for individuals with learning disabilities, cognitive disorders, and severe mental health problems that prevented them from living independently in the community. However, the term is now more loosely used to refer to any long-term residential rehab program that offers living accommodations.

Expanse Wilderness, through their parent company WinGate Wilderness Therapy, also helps adolescents, ages 13-17. For more information, please visit the WinGate Wilderness Therapy program for youth website, or call them at (800) 560-1599.
Giving Remediation Focused Therapy
Expanse Wilderness has taken this traditional model of giving transformation focused therapy and living arrangements to a more practical level. Placing troubled young adults in a wilderness environment has a remarkable effect of simultaneously humbling them and allowing them to see the actual scope of their stumbling blocks and boost their confidence. Being in the outdoors for this extended period of time serves to disable the defensive stance that many emerging adults from Michigan adopt that prevents them from talking with and building relationships with the clinicians.
We have admissions specialists available to answer any and all questions regarding our program model, as well as to help related parties of young adult men or women in Michigan through the application process. Call (800) 685-3059 today!
Mental Health Group Homes for Young Adults
When looking for the best rehab treatment program for young adults from Michigan, one of the simplest choices to make is choosing between a gender specific program and a co-ed therapeutic program. There are benefits to both program models, however, the real life scenarios that are encountered within a co-ed group home serve to better prepare emerging adults who may be struggling with substance abuse (including marijuana), mental health related problems, or mood disorders, for life after treatment.
Expanse Wilderness is co-ed therapeutic program, whose unique approach to wilderness therapy serves to produce consistent results among young adult men or women from Michigan, helping them to address their stumbling blocks, create bonds with their program peers as well as their mental health counselors, and learn essential skills for breaking the negative thought and behavior patterns that prevent them from moving forward in life successfully.

To Better Ensure Lasting Change
This co-ed environment is far from distracting, as opponents argue, as the shared struggle with personal problems serves to create an atmosphere between peers that is familiar - without any romantic undertones. As part of the treatment received, new communications skills learned are strengthened as at-risk young adults have the opportunity to engage these new skills immediately, with members of both sexes who often different styles of communication. This helps to better ensure lasting change and better encourage emerging adults to apply the skills they've learned in our therapeutic program once they're out in the real world.
Expanse Wilderness is a proud member of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, a voluntary organization of therapeutic schools and programs devoted to serving young adult men or women and providing them with effective therapy and treatment to help them on the road to change. This dedication permeates our program model and is the foundation for our philosophy.
Adventure Therapy Programs
The cornerstone of the Expanse Wilderness program is the belief that emotionally challenged young adults from Michigan can make the right choices for themselves, they just need to be shown how. The problems these emerging adults face, such as alcohol and drug abuse, addiction, depression, anxiety, and other stumbling blocks relating to mental health can all be helped by giving a distraction-free environment that offers them the chance to reconnect with their true self and to see others (parents, siblings, teachers, etc.) as people rather than obstacles and pawns to manipulate to get what they want.

Wilderness therapy is a highly effective alternative to group homes for troubled young adult men or women in Michigan. Without any avenues for escapist tendencies -such as video games, cell phones, or the internet; at-risk young adults commit themselves more fully to the treatment, engaging in activities and therapy sessions willingly and relating to their peers in a supportive and encouraging manner. Young adult men or women from Michigan will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of therapies based upon their unique needs and struggles.
The Most Significant Benefits Of Wilderness Therapy
One of the most significant benefits of wilderness therapy is how quickly our adult wilderness students begin to engage in therapies, reaching out to their clinicians and initiating discussions of what they're going through. This is paramount in treating substance abuse and problems relating to mental health, as it allows our young adult participants to see their struggles from a broader angle and to learn better methods for coping with their stumbling blocks. This enables them to move forward more confidently and more likely to follow through on the recovery process.
Intake counselors are available to discuss the benefits that wilderness therapy and our innovative program has for emotionally challenged emerging adults from Michigan. Call Expanse Wilderness at (800) 685-3059 to speak to someone today.