More About
Dr. Dale Christensen has been practicing emergency medicine for over 15 years and is currently a staff physician at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo, UT. He joined our team in 2012 when one of his partners and mentors, Dr. Keith Hooker, a pioneer, long-time consultant, and promoter of wilderness therapy programs asked him to assume his role due to terminal illness. He is grateful for that opportunity.
In addition to WinGate, Dr. Christensen is a consultant/medical director to four other wilderness programs in Utah. His experience in emergency medicine qualifies him with a broad base of medical knowledge necessary to oversee the safety and health of WinGatestudents and staff. He lives in Springville, UT with his wife, Gaylene, and they have 4 children. His interests include fitness and weight loss consulting, snowboarding, Lake Powell, and general aviation.